Dryers for fabrics

Stalam’s outstanding efforts in researching innovative drying technologies led to the development, in co-operation with a leading Italian manufacturer of finishing machines, of a revolutionary Radio Frequency dryer for fabrics. The “RF/T” series dryer can be considered the only industrial radio frequency drying equipment specifically designed for the tensionless drying – partial or complete – of woven or knitted fabrics.
The “RF/T” series dryer can be used not only as a stand-alone drying unit, but also in combination with existing (old or new) equipment like conventional tensionless dryers, relaxation dryers, stenters, thermosetting equipment, and many other finishing machines, especially in the woollen industry (e.g. decatising, pressing and steaming machines): the “RF/T” will increase the efficiency and throughput of existing equipment, in addition to improving the quality of the finished product in terms of dimensional stability, formability and shear rigidity.
The equipment has the ability to transfer high radio frequency power values onto small surfaces, thus obtaining a correspondingly high productivity within a small space; moreover, the construction is modular, to fit any production requirement.
The drying process takes just a few seconds, even for very thick (heavy) fabrics, and occurs under low temperature conditions (40-60°C).
The residual moisture content in the fabric is perfectly uniform and controlled by an in-line computerised system.