Corporate Social Responsibility

The attention paid by Stalam to the principles of transparency, legality, fairness and respect for the rules, which has always characterised its activity, has prompted the company to adopt the Organisational Management and Control Model (“231 Model”), implementing the Legislative Decree no. 231 dated 2001.
Legislative Decree no. 231/2001 – “Regulations regarding the administrative responsibility of legal persons, companies and associations” – introduced into our law the concept of the administrative liability of bodies for a series of offences committed in the interest or to the advantage of the body by its directors or employees.
Stalam takes therefore the opportunity offered by this enactment to underline the high standards of ethical and legal conduct that the Company has always pursued when carrying out its business activities, thus undertaking full corporate responsibility.
Given this background of high professional ethics, Stalam has decided to adopt the “231 Model” in order to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of its business management system and to take all possible measures in order to prevent offences from being committed in its interest that may result in an illegitimate benefit for the company.
Always attentive to and aware of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), the approach adopted by Stalam embodies the utmost efficiency and profitability for its business, yet fully respecting social and environmental principles. In other words, a positive contribution is made towards the development of the company in its local context by handling in the most correct way its relations with the economic and institutional environment in which it operates.
Stalam is committed to occupational health and safety management by working together with its employees. Stalam’s priority is to ensure a safe and healthy working environment and to continuously improve all aspects of the working environment, in full compliance with prevailing health and safety regulations.